A! Magazine for the Arts

Arts and Culture Can Play Role In State Economic Development

February 1, 2009

Fostering the arts and culture sector has played a vital role in state economic development, according to a new report from the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center).

Arts and culture-related industries, collectively known as "creative industries," provide direct economic benefits to states and communities by creating jobs, attracting new investments, generating tax revenues and stimulating tourism and consumer purchases.

The report, "Using Arts and Culture to Stimulate State Economic Development," provides examples from states across the country to help governors incorporate the arts and culture into their long-term economic development strategies. It also offers a number of actions states can take to realize the full potential of the creative industries.

National Endowment for the Arts Chairman Dana Gioia said, "With two million artists and thousands of arts organizations in the U.S. able to provide arts and education programs and assist with community development and tourism activities, it makes good economic sense to incorporate the arts into statewide planning."

For more details, CLICK HERE.
