June 1–02, 2024 @ Online
The Sundress Academy for the Artsannounces its2024 Poetry Retreat, which runs from June 1-2.For the first time ever, this event will be entirely virtual held via Zoom.All SAFTA retreats focus on generative writing, and this year's retreat will also include the following craft talk sessions: “Let's Talk About Prose Poems'' and "Third Space Grief: The (Written) Performance of Intersectional Mourning."
The event is open to poets of all backgrounds and experience levels and provides an opportunity to work withauthors and poets from around the country, including workshop leadersAmorak Huey,Sarah A. Chavez, and keynote speakerBarbara Fant.
Amorak Hueyis author of four books of poems including "Dad Jokes from Late in the Patriarchy" (Sundress Publications, 2021). Co-founder with Han VanderHart of River River Books, Huey teaches at Bowling Green State University in Ohio. He also is co-author with W. Todd Kaneko of the textbook "Poetry: A Writer’s Guide and Anthology" (Bloomsbury, 2024) and "Slash/Slash" (2021), winner of the Diode Editions Chapbook Prize. Huey is a recipient of a fellowship from the National Endowment of the Arts, and his poems have appeared inThe Best American Poetry,American Poetry Review,The Southern Review, the Academy of American Poets’ Poem-A-Day series, and many other print and online journals.
Sarah A. Chavez, a California mestiza living in the PNW, is the author of the poetry collections, "Hands That Break & Scar"(Sundress Publications), "All Day, Talking" (dancing girl press), "like everything else we loved," (Porkbelly Press) and"Halfbreed Helene Navigates the Whole "(Ravenna Press’ Triple Series). Recent writing projects have received a 2019-2020 Tacoma Artists Initiative Award, as well as residencies at Dorland Mountain Arts Colony, the Macondo Writers Workshopand The Writer’s Colony at Dairy Hollow. Her new project, "In the Face of Mourning" was awarded a 2023 Scholarship & Research grant from the University of Washington Tacoma’s School for Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences. Chavez teaches creative writing and Latinx/Chicanx-focused courses and serves as the poetry coordinator for Best of the Net Anthology.
Barbara Fanthas been writing and performing for over 15 years. She competed in nine National Poetry Slam competitions, and she is a World Poetry Slam finalist. She is the author of two poetry collections, "Paint, Inside Out" (2010) and "Mouths of Garden" (2022). Her work has been featured in theAcademy of American Poets,Electric Literature,McNeese Review,The Ohio State University Press,Button Poetry, andDef Poetry Jam, amongst others. She has received residencies in Havana, Cuba and Senegal, West Africa. For over 12 years, she had led healing informed poetry workshops for both youth and adults who are incarcerated, those in community, adults in recovery, and survivors of human trafficking and domestic violence. She is certified as a Healing Centered Engagement specialist and holds both an MFA in Poetry and a Master of Theology. She is the founder of theBlack Women Rise Poetry Collectiveand co-founder ofThe Senghor Project, West African International Artist Residency, and co-founder ofWe THRIVE Healing and Arts Collective.
The total cost of attendance is $75.To apply for a fellowship, send a packet of five to eightpages of poetry along with a brief statement on why you would like to attend this workshopno later than March 30.Winners will be contacted mid-April.
Category: Literature