A! Magazine for the Arts

Matt Fowler

Matt Fowler

Celebrating Poetry: Matt Fowler

March 29, 2011

Matt Fowler (pseudonym maticusfowl) is not just a poet.

Born in 1989, Matt always thought he wanted to be an artist, and he somehow grew into one. From San Antonio, Texas, he's well versed in both photography and creative writing, but is also constantly developing his knowledge base of other creative mediums, like web and graphic design and video production.

He's earning a BFA in Photography and Digital Imaging at Virginia Intermont College and plans to graduate in May. He doesn't know what's next, but remains constantly eager and animated about the prospects.


by Matt Fowler

The devil walked the rampant
platypus right out and into
brazen days of sense,
when – all of a
sudden –

"Wintertime Sunset" by Sally Smith
