A! Magazine for the Arts

<strong>Break Away</strong> By Beth Nybeck, Missouri "There are different moments throughout life when we have an inner calling to break away from the pack. The moment someone does break away on their own it is a beautiful and terrifying journey This sculpture embodies the blur and rush that happens when one dares to run to a rhythm they have developed and in a direction they have forged."

Break Away By Beth Nybeck, Missouri "There are different moments throughout life when we have an inner calling to break away from the pack. The moment someone does break away on their own it is a beautiful and terrifying journey This sculpture embodies the blur and rush that happens when one dares to run to a rhythm they have developed and in a direction they have forged."

Winners of Bristol's Art in Public Places Announced

August 1, 2012

BRISTOL, TN-VA - Art in Public Places is a community art project organized and implemented by the Art in Public Places Board with the cooperation of the Bristol, Tenn., and Bristol, Va., city governments. Its goal is to install art in public spaces in Bristol for the enjoyment and enrichment of the community. Artist submissions are solicited from throughout the nation, and this year's entries were judged by Ben Hernandez from the Museum of Contemporary Art in Detroit, Mich.

The quotes with the photos of the sculptures are from the artists' statements.
